Last year we called our film/discussion evenings LEARN ACT HOPE REPEAT. This year we added the word DISCERN. To learn is one thing, and to take what we have learned and DISCERN what actions we will take to best support our Quaker testimonies is another. Where do we go to learn? Who do we believe?
This is a common question and concern for all who seek to make this world a better place. The Religious Society of Friends is different from other denominations; we do not follow a set creed. This puts just about everything up for discussion which was most certainly true for the film/discussion committee as we met numerous times attempting to choose the films for 2024. It’s a work in progress. One thing we quickly agreed on: freshly popped popcorn and other healthy snacks for all. Admission is by donation.
To learn is one thing, and to take what we have learned and DISCERN what actions we will take to best support our Quaker testimonies is another. Where do we go to learn? Who do we believe?
This is a common question and concern for all who seek to make this world a better place. The Religious Society of Friends is different from other denominations; we do not follow a set creed. This puts just about everything up for discussion which was most certainly true for the film/discussion committee as we met numerous times attempting to choose the films for 2024. One thing we quickly agreed on: freshly popped popcorn and other healthy snacks for all. Admission is by donation.
Join us January 20: for “Voices Across the Divide” film with a follow-up discussion by Matthew Legge, the Communication Coordinator for the Canadian Friends Service Committee, and author of Are We Done Fighting? From 6:30pm – 9:00pm This, like many of our film and discussion series, is a difficult topic and we hope you come with your minds open and your hearts prepared.
Film Summary: Voices Across the Divide explores the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through rarely heard personal stories. Narrated by Alice Rothchild, an American Jew raised on the tragedies of the Holocaust and the dream of a Jewish homeland in Israel, the film follows her personal journey as she begins to understand the Palestinian narrative, while exploring the Palestinian experience of loss, occupation, statelessness, and immigration to the US. The documentary is both a personal journey to understand the Palestinian narrative as well as the implications and contradictions of deeply held cultural beliefs in the Jewish community.
SAVE THE DATES for upcoming film / speaker series Learn. Discern. Act. Hope. Repeat.
February 17: 6:30pm – 9:00pm and also March 16, 2024: 6:30pm – 9pm
Note: these films and topics are aimed at adults. See you at the Meetinghouse.
Although the day was rainy and windy, Friends gathered at Pinafore Park for a potluck supper. We then put the finishing touches on the lanterns. Before placing them on the water, a Friend spoke about the tragedy of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and also of the threat we all face as these weapons continue to proliferate around the world. After a minute of silence, we placed them in the water. A friend played the theme music from the movie, Schindler’s List on his violin. It was a peaceful and reflective experience. Thank-you to everyone for adding their gifts to the day, organizing the event and making the lanterns.
Join us at the meetinghouse in Sparta for three evenings this winter. We will provide a documentary film and facilitate a short discussion and offer up a list of concrete actions that you can do to make a difference.
January 21, 7-9 pm. Seed: the Untold Story
February 18, 7-9 pm. World Beyond War
March 18, 7-9 pm. What about the water (Local Indigenous Focus)
October 2, 2022 is World Quaker Day and you are welcome to join us at the Meetinghouse in Sparta to celebrate! Curious about what Quakerism is? Find out today with conversation, a look at the historic Meetinghouse, a welcoming worship experience, meet the Quaker Oats man, share a meal and bring the kids to join the activities created for them. Mask wearing indoors is encouraged to respect our vulnerable members. Also a reunion of Friends new and old – we’d love to see you.
SCHEDULE 10am-2pm 10:00-10:45* Coffee & Conversation: Small groups to ask all your questions about Quakerism 10:45-11:00 About silent worship & why it’s awesome! 11:00-12:00 Worship Together 12:00-1:30 Potluck Lunch 1:30-2:00 Socializing or join a conversation circle
*Programmed Children’s Activities 10:30am until 12 noon.
Meeting for worship continues each Sunday from 11 AM – 12:00 noon.
Mask wearing is optional. However, maintaining distance of 2 meters (except persons from household) and use of hand sanitizer is strongly recommended for the respect and safety of of our elderly and vulnerable population.
Please join us next Sunday at 11AM at the meetinghouse.
Meeting for worship continues each Sunday from 11am-11:30am using Zoom. Afterwards we have about 20 minutes for visiting with each other.
Our current guidelines from Southwestern Ontario Health are that in-person religious services are permitted as long as they only have 30% of capacity of the room. Friends who would like to meet at the meetinghouse are welcome to do so. Masks and social distancing are required. Hand sanitizer will be available and is recommended. The number of people that can meet inside the building should not exceed 12. Protocols are often changing so check back here for any updates.
Please join us next Sunday at 11 am, either using Zoom, or by visiting the meetinghouse. Send us an email if you need the link to join virtually. All are welcome in both places!